... are completely fine. Nevertheless, I take centre stage and am guided through the treatment by the team.
As a parent, you can of course be present in the treatment room at all times - your presence gives young children in particular a feeling of security. However, we would ask you to remain in the background if you have any questions for your child and during the treatment. Our experienced team will guide your child safely through the individual steps. Don't forget: Your child is the centre of our attention.
With increasing age or if a child becomes very focussed on you as parents, we even recommend that you motivate your child to go into the treatment room alone. This will allow your child to concentrate on us, making it easier to build up a level of trust. Of course, you will always be present for the initial consultation and important treatment information.
Critical questions about the treatment:
If you have any critical questions during treatment, please only raise them with us after the session - preferably in the absence of your child. This will help to maintain a positive atmosphere between you and us.
Note: If you have something specific on your mind before the consultation or treatment, please let us know when you make your appointment or at the latest at the registration desk. Thank you very much!